Creating sustainability design is the trend today. With the focus towards sustainable development and energy conservation, more importance is attributed towards creating design for a building that is energy-efficient, sustainability built, and fosters environment development.
To make sustainability design more effective, it is important to consider integral components of the building such as airflow and ventilation.
However, with traditional drafting procedures, it is difficult to get a comprehensive view of building’s airflow and ventilation in an accurate and efficient manner.
To make sustainability design more effective, it is important to consider integral components of the building such as airflow and ventilation.
However, with traditional drafting procedures, it is difficult to get a comprehensive view of building’s airflow and ventilation in an accurate and efficient manner.
This is Where Building Information Management (BIM) Aids in Creating a Sustainable Design, Focused Towards Energy Conservation.
Airflow and ventilation are two important factors that help in determining how construction of the building would impact wind flow into and outside. BIM modeling for airflow and ventilation gives a comprehensive detail of building’s impact on wind flow, with detailed view from front, top, and bottom.
The models are created based on client’s design specifications and modifying the same to keep sufficient space for airflow and ventilation. At the same time, it is ensured that no component of the building causes hindrance in airflow. All the components of airflow and ventilation are specially taken into consideration while creating the design.
BIM modeling for airflow and ventilation helps in analyzing the design in details and identifying the weaknesses if any. It also becomes easier to identify the areas where there is lack of airflow or ventilation, or certain components that are causing a hindrance in wind flow.
Errors in the design can be rectified early, minimizing the need for costly modifications and reworks pot-implementation.